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Welcome to the twisted mind of the Lord Snow

I'm going to start recording my dreams whenever I can...dunno why but I'm pretty sure that the idea came from Jen and her gift to me. They'll be kept here for...fairly obvious reasons.

Dream 9: Trainyard

A strange one this time...not exactly a nightmare, but not exactly a pleasant or comforting dream either...

* * * * *

We were on some sort of group/class trip. At some point, had to ride on some trains to take us to our destination.

Everyone's laughing, having a good time when something goes wrong and the three trains going side by side with each other on three seperate tracks start to speed up, heading for 3 identical tunnels in the distance. Somehow, 2 of the three come to a stop by themselves before entering the tunnels and the third one just rockets in and we never see it again.

The place just before the tunnels is some sort of abandoned train yard. It has a very lonely, ghostly, almost haunted house atmosphere. Abandoned machinery, everything looking like it hadn't been touched in ages. Nobody else seems to really care about getting us back out of this place so I wander around, find a controll room and see 3 big buttons, two white, one red. Curious, I push one of the white buttons.

One of the two trains that had stopped suddenly starts up, blasts forward into it's tunnel, except this tunnel had these "Caution" "Danger" signs all over it, declared by boards of rotting wood, written in something bright red that I hesitate to think about. When I get back outside to see if anyone was hurt, find ou that Joyce and her boyfriend were in that train when it went into the tunnel.

Again, nobody seems to care overmuch so I start trying to find a way to bring them back out. The control buttons no werky no more so me and my cousin Han-I (who just happened to be there at the time), start trying to find a way to bring them out. At the mouth of the scary tunnel where Joyce's train went in, there's a bunch of wires held in place by a rock so I leave Han-I to tinker with them, unwinding and twisting them. I have a flashlight and notice a curious thing. A flicker of a silhouette, ghostly and white in the dark tunnel.

Me and my cousin go to investigate it, and suddenly, the deeper we go into the tunnel, we notice that the light doesn't penetrate as far. Eventually, it gets to a point where the light is still very bright, but it doesn't actually GO anywhere. It doesn't light up anything. Then suddenly, right in front of me appears the silhouette. It looks like some sort of creature that I can't really describe but it scared the shit out of us so we started running and as we did, I couldn't help but notice the curious fact that it just vanished instead of running away.

We go back out to the mouth of the tunnel, more freaked out than before and continue trying to get the train out of the tunnel. We see no more flickers. Eventually, we succeed and the train comes out (trailing mist with it?). Joyce stumbles out, half in a fugue, trance-like daze. Colin is nowhere to be seen (convenient wouldn't you say? considering that I've never met the guy and would have no idea what kind of face to put on him? XD).

Last segment, me and Han-I are staring into the dark tunnel when Joyce stumbles up to me. Han-I leaves. I ask her what happened in there but she doesn't respond. Her voice drifts out,

"You're going to break my heart." I ask her how does she know that I'll do such a thing to which she responds:

"Because you always do." Puzzled and slightly disturbed, I say no more. Then the thought occurs to me that whatever creature was in that tunnel, she was in there with it for a good long while. So I ask her if she's seen anything strange in there. She responds:

"The Silhouette?" and smiles a sloooooow smile that sends chills down my back and freezes my heart.

* * * * *

More along the lines of that I call asian horror rather than the western genre. It was more creepy than it was scary really...and that bit at the end, when she knew exactly what I was talking about *shudder*
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